0845 862 1337

How It Works

The Regency System is a remote monitoring and surveillance service designed to protect your  property and your valuable assets. The Regency Cameras and intruder detector devices are  installed at your premises and Intervention Specialists in the Regency Communication Hub  detect attempted crimes at your home or commercial property and intervene by stopping  intruders before a crime can take place using live audio warnings.

Here's How the Regency System Works:

How it works

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Cameras ' Veritas detection software protect your property, detecting any activity on your site. When activity is detected, live footage of that incident is transmitted to the Communication Hub. Our team of Intervention Specialists in the Communication Hub respond immediately and take the appropriate agreed action.

Step 4

Step 5

We issue live personalised audio warnings causing the intruder to leave immediately. The Communication Hub stay live with the site, keeping Police and key holders up to date. We can open gates remotely and operate lighting, etc.